Friday, February 13, 2009

what responsibility do we have for the understanding of science?
I would say that we don't really have a responsibility for the understand of science. But I believe that we should at least have some knowledge about science and scientist.

What role should scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge play in our own society?
I think the scientific analysis and the scientific knowledge play a big role in our society because it helps comprehend and get to learn more and more about their experiences. How it works how does it affect us, scientist spend their lives trying to invent something better, or for easier use, the reason is that we hardly know how important it is to have created and invention for example light, but because we are so used to having light everywhere we go, its not important. we loose interest in who did it and really what was the background history and what was their knowledge in creating Science!

How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?
Science should influence laws and culture in a big way, we should know how important it is to acknowledge ideas, we should have knowledge and have the study for whatever we do in life, i believe our laws should be progressing and people should be studying and acknowledging studies in order to continue making and stating new laws.

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