Monday, February 9, 2009

If I was Obama's economics advisor Part 2!

Hello, Mr. President I know that we have been going through a lot of problems with the crisis, but I'm here to help you. The first thing we need to discuss is the first mistake that you made by choosing the wrong Democrats to work for you without doing any background research. For example the Treasury secretary, secretary of health, and the White House chief performance officer are organizations that currently have not payed their taxes. Like in the New York Times article states: " The reason Democrats want to raise taxes, use class warfare, attack corporations is because they take everyone else’s money and redistribute it. But they themselves don’t pay taxes, so there’s no reason for them to worry about tax increases" This was the result for not having background research on your democrats before hiring them. In other hand I believe this was a good experience to go through because we learn form our mistakes. Having that said will you make a background research to your future members? I would also encourage for the congress to approve on 1.2 trillion plan. By getting this approved we improve our economy by saving jobs and house marketing. "Mr Obama says his plan aims to create or save 3 to 4 million jobs in the US economy, which has been in a year-long recession since the collapse of the housing market sparked a global panic over bank losses that in turn froze credit markets" Knowing how you are getting prepared to face this crisis I have confidence in you that we wont go through the painful days we went through during the Great Depression in 1929 as many Americans struggled for many years. They had no jobs, no money for food and daily supplies.I hope these advise will help you with the problems we are facing with the crisis in America.

Baker, Peter. "On the White House - Republicans Seize on Nominees’ Tax Problems -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. 5 Feb. 2009. 9 Feb. 2009 .

Rowland, Michael. "Obama pushes Congress to hurry along stimulus package - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)." 24 Jan. 2009. 9 Feb. 2009 .

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