Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What makes a great interview?

Thoughtful Questions: The first thing you need to have when interviewing someone is questions. If you want to have a very good interview you need to create thoughtful questions, by leaving the person your interviewing thinking about the question. Also asking questions that would lead to another question.
"You were a model before you became a photographer. Do you feel you are able to express yourself more as a photographer than a model?"

Background information: When you start an interview its good to have background information about the person your interviewing because you will know other questions to ask if you come across " the awkward silence" in the interview, with Nigel Barker and David Radadi there are three paragraphs describing a little bit about Nigel's biography.

"I notice you at the shows and realized that as soon as the first model walks out until the last model ends the show, your eyes light up like a light bulb and you give your undivided attention and really focus on each model. What are you thinking?"

Good sense of humor: When your going to interview someone you need to have a good sense of humor, that way the person your interviewing can feel comfortable and open with you. David: "Is there anything that you have never revealed and would like to share with the readers?"
Nigel: " (with a smile) I have been waiting for Slash Magazine"
David: " You have great sense of humor. Thank you for your time."

Interview with Nigel Barker and David Radadi: http://www.lasplash.com/publish/cat_index_Style_and_Fashion/Fall_2008_Fashion_Week_Q_A_Nigel_Barker.php

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