Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outstanding Blogz!

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
Mariah Morgan's economic advise to Brack Obama is that we need to come together as a family to make this crisis stop."By making our economy stronger, and more efficient in more than one way, we can pull ourselves out of this mess" Another piece of advise is Mr. Obama needs to provide more jobs for America. Mariah also mentions that she wouldn't want to be like the Great Depression back in the 1920's.

2. Literary Analysis?
I really like Sydney's blog, I believe that she is a really good writer. she shows the theme, symbols, and uses really good evidence. http://sydneyhumanities.blogspot.com/

3. Historical Writing?
In Mariah's historical writing I like that she connected her analysis to the Great Depression. She talks about how the crisis we are going through is getting close to the Great Depression. Another Historical writing that she shows is the Gilded age. She talks about how we see the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. http://mariahscurrentevent1.blogspot.com/

4. Anything else that makes blogs great?
Many people have different techniques that makes their blog great. If we take our time to write and use the right evidence we would all have a great bog!

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