Friday, January 9, 2009


1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?
I hope I learn how to act and talk like a professional person would. I want to discover how “adults” handle things when they are not the way they planed.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?
I want to learn how to behave in a professional way and grow as an adult. I want to discover how much pressure I’m able to handle and see what I have to work on to handle the pressure if I cant.

3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience? My goal that I have for myself is to come out of my internship as a new person, a mature adult.


samantha said...

hi yaya, i really like how you are focusing on becoming more professional. That is a really good tactic to learn for the future. =]


Ali said...

I think you have really good internship, and life goals.