Tuesday, January 13, 2009

artist statement

Thesis Statement: Don’t you think war is an absurd thing? Because I do. War to me is a waste of money, time, and a waste of peoples lives. The twin towers in New York were destroyed by terrorists as a result of war. John Lennon was an anti-war activist and in his song "Imagine", he mentions the importance of peace in the world.
-In this project I will introduce my opinions/ideas about war which are similar to John Lennon's and why people should share the world. Money is making us lose the respect, humanity, and the contact toward others.

John Lennon opened my eyes and made me think about the importance of peace in the world.
- History of John Lennon
- history of “Imagine”
War has been with us since the beginning of time. War is like cancer, people still cant find the solution or medicine to stop this illness (war).
- John Lennon opens up and talks to us about his opinions about war in a song.
-Controversy of "Imagine" (how people interpreted it)
Why I chose to make a collage, quote John Lennon
- Connection between my piece of drawing and quote.
- My connection with John Lennon

Conclusion: Do you still think war is an absurd thing? The waste of money, time, and peoples lives caused by a THING called war can change the world. Money is not the only thing that can make you happy. Would you join me and help make the world live as one?

Summary- if everyone listened, looked around, and took time to make a difference, we could work together to try and end the war. John Lennon was only one of the few revolutionary antiwar activist.

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