Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blog 1#9

As we all know that Barack Obama is our new president elect of the United Sates of America. If you wonder what race were the one that made Obama win? “Obama received more than 90 percent of the African-American vote and three-quarters of the Hispanic vote”1 I believe that this happed because people did not want to go through the same thing because McCain was trying to follow Bush’s steps. People were ready for an change that’s why most of African Americans and Hispanics voted for Obama. “The Americans have surprised themselves and the entire world when they voted for Barack Obama to become the first black president in the history of America. By electing Obama, the US has sent a message of hope and optimism to the entire world. The message was that change has come”2

1: http://www.christianpost.com/article/20081110/survey-blacks-hispanics-forged-bulletproof-alliance-in-election.htm

2: http://www.gulfnews.com/opinion/columns/world/10258908.html

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