Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Past and the Present

Date: 10-02-08

The  Political Parties have a very interesting history. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were the first to find the Democratic-Republican Party in 1792. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison created the party in order to oppose the economic foreign policies of the Federalist Party. For example, the Federalist, wanted to take the power over the government while the Democratic-Republican limit power of the government through constitution. The 
Democratic-Republican party was all about the promotion of states rights and the primacy of the bankers, in the industrialist, and merchants. 

In 1825 the democratic-Republican had split onto two, the Democratic and the Republicans. They decided to split up because in 1825 the new president was chosen of the United States, which was John Quincy. Since he got chosen things didn't go well. Many people were disagreeing among the Democratic- Republican and thats what cause them to split up. When the split up into competing factions it became the "Modern-day Democratic Party" 

The parties now are so much different form the ones back then. They are different in a way that back then  the party was very  against taxes comparing it to now. Now that we are close to who our president is going to be many people that i know are paying attention at the taxes part. I know that if John MCcain wins the presidency  he will change my life because if he's following Bush's steps he will keep the taxes rolling. Now that I'm big enough to work i will be getting payed and will get money taken away for the taxes and i will be making less money.  

I personally think that the people from the parties in the 1800's will totally disagree with what is going on today because of the different believes. For example the taxes, as i mentioned earlier, were not that big back then if comparing it to today that they are a big deal now. I the people from the party during the 1800's came to life again and were to reunite with the ones today i think we would have a HUGE problem. 

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