Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness.

Title:Palin Daughter’s Pregnancy Interrupts G.O.P. Convention Script.
Author:Monica Davey
Date: September, 4 2008

    The article a read is about Sarah Palin announcing America about her daughter’s pregnancy. After this big news people now know about her personal life as a mother. Maryville said Sarah Palin and his husband announced that they were really proud that they are going to be grandparents and that her daughter and the guy were going to get married. This article also said that Ms. Palin had not actually given birth to Trig( her 4 month son) but they found some photographs of Ms. Palin in the months leading up to his birth this year. The McCain campaign said Ms. Palin announced Bristol’s pregnancy to stop the swirl of rumors.

This article related to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness because it relates to the human rights. Like for this article Sarah Palin’s announcement about her daughter getting pregnant at the age of 17 is not a problem at all. In America teens are allowed to get pregnant at whatever age the want and give birth. People were asking themselves if she was going to keep the baby because of her age and she said that she will keep the baby and Sarah Palin is pound of her decision.

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